Exhibition Contents

Gallery 1: Elements Surrounding Japanese Written Characters and Design
The Japanese writing system combines ideograms (Chinese characters) with two sets of phonetic signs (kana), sometimes with other types of script and sign. These can be used in multiple ways. How have they been designed to fit together? This gallery displays diagrams of historical development and examples of modern graphic design taking the motif of script.
Japanese Language and Script Design
Yasuhito Nagahara, Yukimasa Matsuda, Shin Sobue
Post-war Graphic Design and Script
Katsumi Asaba, Takenobu Igarashi, Tsuguya Inoue, Kaoru Kasai, Yusaku Kamekura, Kohei Sugiura, Hachiro Suzuki, Ikko Tanaka, Hiromu Hara, Helmut Schmid, Gan Hosoya, Ryuichi Yamashiro, Tadanori Yokoo
Gallery 2: Alternatives for a Global Age
The culture of Japanese graphic design evolved from integration of script and image. In today's global information environment, tendencies also follow international trends. This gallery exhibits the work of 54 creators and creative teams under thirteen headings, to outline recent developments.
1. Technology and Poetry
Hajime Tachibana, Tztom Toda, heiQuicci HARATA
2. Form and Sensitivity
Atsuki Kikuchi, Masayoshi Nakajo, Kazunari Hattori
3. Media and Material
Shin Akiyama, Fumio Tachibana, Gento Matsumoto
4. Language and Illustration
Noritake, Takashi Mifune, Bunpei Yorifuji
5. Types and Characters
Tomoyuki Arima, Yasuhisa Kawatani, Shin Sobue + cozfish, Dainippon Type Organization, BALCOLONY.
6. Book Structure and Landscape
Adobe, Yoshihisa Shirai, Naoko Nakui, Isao Mitobe, Bunpei Yorifuji
7. Designers and Word
Kashiwa Sato, Taku Satoh, Kenya Hara
8. Fashion and Culture
Idea Oshima, Hideki Nakajima, Nagi Noda, Naomi Hirabayashi
9. Vernacular and Regionality
Katsushika Shusshin, Kohhei Kamihoriuchi, Issay Kitagawa, Midori Hirota, Katsunobu Yoshida
10. Script and Body
Daijiro Ohara, Shun Sasaki, Tezzo Suzuki, Ryu Mieno, Kazuhiro Yamada
11. Globalism and Identity
Shun Ishizuka, Yuri Uenishi, Mariko Okazaki, Aiko Koike
12. Public and Personal
Akitsu Sekkei, Vote Poster Project, Satoko Miyakoshi, Natsuko Yoneyama
13. Beyond Language
Experimental Jetset, M/M (Paris), John Warwicker (Tomato), Sulki & Min, The Designers Republic, Wang Zhihong