ストックホルム・デザインウィーク2018訪問レポート/Report on Visit to Stockholm Design Week 2018
毎年2月、スウェーデンではストックホルム・デザインウィークが開催されます。日本とスウェーデンが外交開始150周年を迎えた2018年、21_21 DESIGN SIGHTスタッフが、そのデザインウィークを訪れました。ここでは、その様子をお伝えします。
Stockholm Design Week takes place every year in February. In 2018, the 150th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Sweden, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT staff visited Design Week. Here is a report on my visit.
初日に訪れたのは、The Royal Academy of Fine Artsの異なる世代の3人のメンバーが、それぞれの仕事を紹介する展覧会『INSIDE architecture』です。例えば公共空間で実際に使われている家具など、これから巡るストックホルムの街を彩るデザインに出会うことができました。
Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, covering an area of 200 square kilometers, is home to dozens of museums, theaters and workshops. Design Week events take place at various venues throughout the city. The first day, I visited the Royal Academy of Fine Arts' "INSIDE architecture" exhibit, which showcased the work of three of its members belonging to different generations. There I viewed designs such as furniture actually used in public spaces, and other works gracing the Stockholm cityscape through which I would soon be walking.

2日目は、大規模な家具の展示会、Stockholm Furniture & Light Fairを見学しました。北欧を代表するインテリアブランドの展示の中には、日本のクリエイターによる作品もいくつか見られるものの、日本からの参加は、出展も来場もまだとても少ないといいます。
On the second day, I visited the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair, a major furniture show. Well known Scandinavian decorator brands were on display and I also spotted a number of works by Japanese creators. However, Japanese participants and exhibitors in the show are still very few.

その夜には、オープンを翌日に控えたMuseum of Furniture Studiesを一足先に見学しました。所狭しと並ぶ名だたるデザイナーの作品はどれも、Kersti SandinとLars Bülowの個人蔵のものだそうです。
In the evening, I went to the Museum of Furniture Studies, which would be opening the following day. The space was crammed with works by famous designers, all of which are from the personal collections of Kersti Sandin and Lars Bülow.

3日目には、ArkDesのYoung Swedish Design 2018を訪れました。アート、デザイン、建築、インテリア、衣服など様々な分野のこれからを担う若いクリエイターの作品が集まります。このArkDesは、ストックホルム近代美術館に併設されています。館内には、展示室のほかに読書やワークショップのためのスペースもあり、外は吹雪にもかかわらず館内は賑わっていました。
On the third day, we visited ArkDes' Young Swedish Design 2018. This show featured the works of young creators in several fields, including art, design, architecture, decorating and clothing. ArkDes is housed in Stockholm's Museum of Modern Art. In addition to exhibition spaces, the museum offers areas for reading or for workshops, and although a snowstorm was raging outside, the museum was full of visitors.

最終日に訪れたのは、ストックホルム郊外にあるDesign Lab Sです。ここは、8歳から15歳までと、80歳以上の人なら誰でも参加できるデザインラボです。子どもたちが編集者になって特集を考える、掲載する商品や写真を選び、プロのライターやカメラマンとともに本をつくった大プロジェクトを紹介してくれました。
On the last day of our visit, I went to Design Lab S, located on the outskirts of Stockholm. This is a design lab for youngsters aged 8 to 15 and seniors 80 and over that's open to anyone in those age groups. I was introduced to a major magazine production project, where the children acted as editors deciding on products to be highlighted in a special feature, choosing photos, and working with professional writers and photographers to produce the magazine.

During my trip I also went to designers' and artists' workshops, viewed an exhibit at a textile shop, and visited several museums. All in all, I was able to have a multitude of interesting experiences.
Stockholm Design Week was a wonderful experience, where I could encounter the most cutting-edge design movements concentrated in a small city. I heartily recommend that you visit when you travel to Scandinavia.
21_21 DESIGN SIGHT 田代未来子
Written by Mikiko Tashiro, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT