21_21 DESIGN SIGHTが10周年を機に新たなスペースとなる「ギャラリー3」を携えて生まれかわります

21_21 DESIGN SIGHTは2007年3月に開館しました。
ディレクターは、デザインの現状、制作の現場をよく知るデザイナーの三宅一生、佐藤 卓、深澤直人。アソシエイトディレクターはジャーナリストの川上典李子です。これまでに34の展覧会を開催し、デザインの視点から、生活、社会、文化について考え、世界に向けて発信し、提案を行なってきました。そして10周年を機に、佐藤 卓が館長に就任します。
21_21 DESIGN SIGHTは、今日までの歩みを大切に、「デザインの視点でさらに先を見通す」活動を続けていきます。
21_21 DESIGN SIGHT opened in March 2007.
The story behind the opening of 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT goes back to the 1970s, when its Founder Issey Miyake started to discuss the importance of establishing a design museum in Japan with Isamu Noguchi, Ikko Tanaka, Shiro Kuramata, and Tadao Ando. 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT sprang from that discussion and became a nexus from which to search, find, and create the ongoing role of design. Design is a process that enriches life and expands the potential for thoughts and actions.
The Board of Directors is comprised of Issey Miyake, Taku Satoh, and Naoto Fukasawa, three designers who are well acquainted with the contemporary status of design and the creative scene; and journalist Noriko Kawakami who acts as Associate Director. 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT has introduced numerous ideas and proposed a variety of design solutions to the world through 34 exhibitions. Each exhibition opened a dialogue on our life, society and culture from design point of view. In honor of the 10th anniversary. Taku Satoh has been named as its overall Director.
On March 31, 2017, we will open Gallery 3. Here, we will implement experimental programs in close collaboration with corporations, schools and cultural institutions throughout the world. We wanted to expand our space so all could experience the power of design.
21_21 DESIGN SIGHT continues to evolve, treasuring the decade that is now behind it and always looking toward the future.
